Did I mention I live with three cats? You've seen a lot of my BFF Douglas lately, but there are two more of the tiny-dogs that I hope to be best friends with someday...
This is Joseph. This is his favorite vantage point from which he can safely look down on me...

This is Nutsy. She's a grumpy old grandma cat! She's lucky she only has one ear sticking up for me to try and nom!

Here's my best friend Dougie. When he's not snuggling with me he does other cute things like this.

Joe and Nutsy are sun-lovers.

Sometimes my Dougie plays with Joseph, but they scatter when I try to join in!

Mealtime! On the left is Cousin Tati-cat.

Mom!! How come
he gets to sleep on the bed?!

Television cats.

When Doug's not snuggling with me, he does things like...
Snuggle with the sink...

...and make weird ugly-cute faces. Is that what I look like, mom???