It all started when my human mom saw this story in the Press Democrat:
Dogs Saved From Filthy HomeI was but a lad still inside my dog mom's belly. My human mom and dad's hearts were aching to share their life, love and home with a sweet doggie. It was fate!
The grown-ups were rescued from that horrible house on March 25, 2010 (which happens to be my human dad's birthday). Kings Kastle shelter quickly adopted out the adult Goldens to loving homes... all but the two pregnant females, Lilly and Sheba. My mom Sheba gave birth to 5 baby Goldens on April 23, 2010 (which happens to be exactly one year after the joyous day my human Mom finished chemotherapy). More than nine hundred people wanted to adopt us nine puppies. Can you believe it - nine hundred?! The nice folks at Kings Kastle had a huge task in narrowing down nine hundred to nine. On my human mom's birthday in June, she got the best birthday gift ever - news that she could adopt one of us!!
On adoption day, the nine chosen families met us nine puppies in Geyserville. My name was Cooper then - which was yet another fateful indication that I was meant to be with my human mom and dad. My human dad's first dog growing up was named Cooper who just so happened to be a Golden Retriever himself! It didn't take long to figure out that I was going home with them! Man, that adoption day was chaotic and fun but very, very tiring for a youngster like me. All I wanted to do was take a nap with my new dad:

Here I am with my new dad - I was a little nervous to leave all my brothers and sisters!

Me and my mom - I can tell she loves me so much already, look at that smile!

That's my original mom Sheba in front! And that's my brother Hunter beside me. I'm gonna see him soon for a playdate!